Rogues Gallery
Click on the photo to see details on each person
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We have over 1,700 online group members but the folks below are the members who attend meetings and are brave enough to publish their photo and profile:

Group Leader, Marketer Gary Zenker is a marketing pro writing business copy of all sorts, including business plans, strategic marketing plans, web content, ad copy, video scripts and nearly anything else. He is also author of business book Meetup Leader; It's Not What You Think, a flash fiction collection; two volumes co-authored with his son - Seth: Says Seth and Death Farts: More Says Seth; and editor of 25 volumes of Rock and Roll Archives books.

Professional Writer Co-author of nine business books, Tony has written, co-written, or ghost written hundreds of newspaper, magazine, and trade publication articles. Two of his stories can be found in the anthology "Chester County Fiction." For ten years, he has written about local history and architecture in "The Chester County Day Paper" and twice been president of the Brandywine Valley Writers Group. https://twitter.com/TonyConaway https://www.facebook.com/Too.Hip.for.the.Room

Writer, Honorary Member

Writer, Story-A-Day.com Julie is a writer and host of the annual StoryADay May short story challenge. Previously, she was Director of AuthorSerices at Xlibris and has spoken at wrters conferences across the US. She has written for Writer's Digest magazine and many online writing sites. She is also author of a series of ebooks for authors, including The StoryADay Guide To Breaking Writer's Block.

Poet, Fiction Author Day job, disaster recovery. Night: poems. Twilight in suspense.

Teacher, Writer, Memiorist

Poet, Writer After a career as a programmer analyst, technical writer, and knowledge engineer, Martha Nawrocki, an occasional poet, is a dedicated writer of self-improvement nonfiction for adults and youth.

Writer, Honorary Member Gary finally reached one of his lifelong goals and published a book of his bittersweet life stories, "Bits and Pieces". Sadly, Gary passed away not long after. We miss him dearly.



Author of Capt. Santa


Marketer, Writer

Writer, Editor for Hire

Author, Honorary Member Bill is the author of the YA Novel Savant. We lost Bill early in 2019 and miss the magical fantasy he brought to our lives.

Author, former 3rd Grader Seth Zenker was the youngest member of the Main Line Writers Group. He attended irregularly, generally when the babysitter had to bail for the evening. He has participated in critique and likes to inform other members how much he likes bacon. He is the co-author of two books - Says Seth: Life Observations from a Six Year Old Perspective and Death Farts: More Says Seth.